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Lithography part 1

Lithography is a printing technique I've been wanting to try for some time now. And this week I finally got around to doing it!

The process starts with a special type of stone, one that has pores. To get the surface of the rock ready (aka: perfectly smooth) you wet the surface, swipe away excess water, put some bluish powder on there (which is apparently the second hardest material on earth). Then sandwich a smaller stone plate on top of it, and start moving it in an 8-figure. Do this until it gets sticky and heavy to move, refresh the powder, and go again. There are three stages, each time you step down to a finer version of the powder/sand. You can image how tiring but also meditative this process can be. It sure is a work-out.

Litho steen slijpen.jpg

Flatbed printer

As opposed to all the analog printing techniques I have been trying out: a totally digitalized one.

Analog photo printing

And another evening spent in the darkroom.