User:0864867/Week 4
Quarter 9 is all about introductions about the topic Radiation and all of this information is found here.
Thinking of ways to make a broadcasting model
The class got divided into 3 groups. Each group had to think of an interesting way to communicate over far distance. After some thinking and sketching, my group came up with a matroushka-doll with a code inside to be scanned with your phone which would redirect you to URL of a website with a camera on the spot close to where the doll had been bought. It was supposed to be a souvenir.
Notebook sketches:
Making a broadcasting model in 1 hour
After sketching and thinking the 3 projects were hand over to the group left of them, so we got the project 'communication through water'. We had to make a model in 1 hour time.
This is what we came up with:
We made a box which contained a speaker. This speaker could be attached to a phone or music-device. So when called or music being played, the soundwaves created real waves in water (in the small blue cap). In this way communication through water is possible. When different sounds -> different waves.