User:Sneha Arvind
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Name : Sneha Arvind Email :
Department - Spatial Design \ Q8
Group Exercise
Group Members - Sneha Arvind Shipra Balasubramani Mirdu Jhangiani Niko Arranz Aayushi Katare
In this exercise, each group had to present a concept learnt on that day in a creative way with an aim to break it down for students to understand. Our group presented the influence of a 'resistor' on the working of a circuit. In the absence of the resistor, the bulb of the circuit fuses due to excess current flowing through the circuit. The excess current results in heating. In the presence of the resistor, current is regulated thus making the bulb glow. The other elements of the circuit include Shipra as the resistor, Aayuhi as the key, Niko as the battery, Mridu as the electrons in motion and myself, Sneha as the bulb.
Lab 1
Measuring Voltage, Current and Resistance
Principle - The voltage at the different resistors gets converted to sound
Process 1. Etch the schematic diagram onto the copper plate. For this, I printed the schematic diagram onto the copper place first and then dipped it in acid to get etched.Time duration included 1 1/2 hours.
2. Once our schematic drawing was etched on the copper plate. It was time to follow Schematic One