User:Vera/minor/What is your craft?

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This is a difficult thing to do, to give myself a craft, approach or method. When I was 16 I had to make a choice what I want to do with my life (this choice was pure based on the city where I want to live) and choose a school for graphic design and stand building. It was just a choice and never my intention to be a graphic designer. Actually I was terrifying about the the computer and I didn’t understand what there was happening and did graphic design at a analogue way. Silk screening was my craft for a long time and I learnt it myself to do it every weekend.

Even I do graphic design I liked fashion a lot, not fashion fashion, but the fabrics, lines, colours, patrons in fashion. But I didn’t nothing with it till the moment that I could choose my internship. Finely I make a choice based on what I like and was anger to learn. This was a product internship with focus on textile (weaving) and colour, experiment was also the base to get where I want. I learned that nothing comes to you, you will go to the point what you want to be or make. And also very important you have to like it by yourself otherwise it useless to start.

I didn’t had a smart phone or even apps where far away to find in my life. But when I stared at Willem the Kooning there was more. They force me to take Instagram, and came in touch with the digital world. For my was a project with a digital layers till digital craft unreachable for my also I work with the computer. Now, have whatsapp, Instagram and a website. It make me so curious why I was so afraid to do this? I was thinking that people can have my data and doing things with my pictures. But I’m glad that I know that I can also make projects based on other peoples there social network systems. I learned that everything is possible, always. Even I didn’t know how to do it. It it does not matter. If I seeing some thing in it it will be there at the end.

I work most of the time with patterns, rhythms or colour and my method is learning by doing. I’m very dyslectic and written is the hardest thing in life for me to do. That’s reason is learning by doing is work for me. Graphic Design is ordering of someone others mess and rearrange This. Graphic design have rhythm in it and a patrons and social contact. In digital craft l saw a lot of rhythms coming back. Also computer related projects. But rhythm and colours is for me also weaving/ knitting. at the moment that we working with the sensor I was so happy with the French knitting thing. I made never in my life something with fabric in a digital world. I like the processes of knitting, weaving, sewing. It cost time, it is something as meditation to do, and it feels as craft work in your hands, it’s a very intensive process to do end very perceiving to to.

For my craft I want to use weaving/knitting, it’s not only a newer technology but I can give it a newer determination to combine old with new. I want to explore social network status at Instagram/Facebook and look of I can get some data from what I can use in weaving/knitting ore other way around. This status is for everyone imported, even you don’t care there is always some imported thing to show to people. In museums there a lot of portraits to see of people how had a social status, it is a bit the Instagram of the history. I see in weaving a lot of connections, even as newer technologies with a very old techniek. Weaving for me is not only a piece of fabric. It is more, it is the cycles of life where we humans try to make contact and find things that fit in our life not only for now but also in the history. It shows a lot of power what they wearing and framing the human patterns in the social network. Want to explore the digital status of people vs the status of people in the old ages. For me are the questions, Fit weaving as a craft in a modern society as now? And fits the analog weaving in a modern ditigal based culture? and can I make some weaving that’s related in the digital world?