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Graphic Design

How to be human in the near future of Q10?

From the projects I worked on in Q9 I was fascinated by the way a machine can create a new image from what it is fed. While I was preparing the images to upload to the wiki I had a gif that I had to reduce the quality so much to fit in the 2 MB restriction that it became a 100 × 56 image - this gif is in the end not more than 400 KB and has specific settings for the colors that is why the bigger I set the resolution for it here on screen the more interesting it becomes. The pixels become visible and a new layer of the image emerges.
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Other examples

In the examples above the original image kind of gets disassembled and every small pixel has a visuality in its own. I am curious about the restrictions file formats have in deconstructing them to one pixel or id it is possible to change the pixels of an image. I want to try making these zoomed in pixels sharp. Generate sharp vector symbols based on the pixels and then reconstruct the image. I want to see this manifest in print but also on different sized computer screens and resolutions.
I would like to create a world of modified pixels that is experienceable. So work with interaction of a viewer, make the pixels change accordingly.
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Hiding your identity

When processing an image into smaller component we loose part of the information this carried. Pixelating something makes the information unreadable, preserving the identity? Or hiding it?



creating camouflage to blend

Camouflage generator:


reads about

Construction of digital image and compressions + examples

Pixel art

  • file format of lossless data = png, gif
  • isometric = giving 3d look vs. non-isometric
  • 512×256 image = sprite sheet and is the reason you can animate your sprites
Instagram project about reposting the same picture
<iframe src="" width="640" height="1140" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> "It’s a concept known as “generation loss,” and is the subject of artist Pete Ashton‘s project “I Am Sitting In Stagram (2015).”
The experiment is a variation on composer Alvin Lucier’s “I Am Sitting in a Room” experiment in which Lucier recorded himself talking and then rerecorded the recording over and over until his voice becomes unintelligible."
Instgram repost image distort
