Start knitting on a brother KH900. - try to knitting a Instagram post -
Exploring how the knitting machine works.
We worked with Photoshop and a special knitting program that is not very easy to use.
After 1 day of spending with this computer program we had some idea of how this program works.
I knitted a instagram post of #starbucksnamefail, the post is not super clear but you can see what it is.
Starting with the OPEN KNIT machine
the Open Knit machine started as a open source project ended in closed machine with a very bad software program. We starting with understanding this open knit machine we soldering everything again, change the 3D printing stuff, and looked at the servo + Arduino code. it. So fast that we talk about to make our own knitting machine. explanation follow later.. in change of plans. The people that worked on the machine last didn't really understand knitting or thought it was interesting enough and didn't got it to work again. We adopted this machine and printed new parts and soldered the cables. We worked on this machine for 2 weeks very day.