User:Jeanine Verloop/minor q14 research

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>>> research <<<

weapons of data destruction




Major // illustration

Major // illustration


Tharim is the digital, Jeanine is the craft.

Where Jeanine is running in material stations, Tharim likes to stare at his screen for hours. We teamed up because we complement each others flaws and because of our shared view on art, aesthetics and technology. We don't consider ourselves classic illustrators and feel a strong urge to work with interesting techniques and materials.


Social media is getting more and more accurate in showing you what it thinks you want and believe. It creeps us out because the algorithm used is under the surface, we see no physical explanation. Because of this people are feeling watched and not safe. And so we gather around the campfire, telling stories of the modern boogieman lurking in the shadows of our devices, spying and gathering information.

Within this conflict we fought a small battle. Our weapons of choice: tactile and understandable devices, which create dirty data.

Central Question

How does the individual cope with data farming?

Relevance of the Topic

Data farming is a very present-day subject. We are on a critical point of learning how to deal with it. People are afraid of it just like every other time in the past when technology makes a jump [1].

Data is the new opportunity and businesses are in a race to be on top of it. “We’re running out of time. What we decide today will create the future.” [2].

This affect both, the individual and society. Data is a new currency with a lot of people unknowingly providing it.


Our collection will not have a real effect, in the sense that it does not help to blur the data on a scale that makes it unusable. Our weapons will send a positive message, positive in the sense that we are in control and not the technique. That there is a face behind the technology that we can disrupt through minimal adjustments.

We hope that our weapons radiate reliability through operation, design and material choices. We want to achieve this by working with solid, recognizable and natural materials.

Last but not least, we hope our work is going to make people think, reflect and laugh.

Research Approach

The subject is very actual. There are hundreds of news articles to read about it, and thousand times more individual opinions to find on the internet. All of these sources were valuable to us to form our own opinion and to make a sketch of the human reaction to the echo chamber.

Key References

Instagram is listening to you, Damián Le Nouaille [3]

Please Instagram, explain to me how you’re doing this. I’m a developer, I know how iOS and networks work, and I’m still very curious about the technology you’re using.

Thero Privacy control, Roman Torre and Angeles Angulo

'Privacy and security on the Internet is a hotly debated topic. On the one hand, there’s a possible need to be able to track and find people that would like to to others harm. On the other, there’s the idea that it’s no one else’s business what you search for, or what websites you visit. Still another faction would simply like to sell and use this data for profit in exchange for the use of their services. All of these issues come together to make security choices complicated for computer-savvy individuals, and likely nearly impossible for those that aren’t.'

'To address this issue, Roman Torre and Angeles Angulo have come up with a Raspberry Pi 3-based physical device called THERO that lets you manage security settings with the turn of a dial.' [4]

Tharim jeanine 1.jpg


“I produce my voice, but my voice also produces me.”

“And what is voice if it is not simply an instrument for self-expression and self-realisation we can command?”
Steven Connor, Dumbstruck: A Cultural History of Ventriloquism. pp. 3 - 5 and pp. 342 - 346

Jean-Peul Satre - Being and Nothingness [5]


(what are you going to test out and why) Different ways of lying to ourselves:

  Waarom is dit nog relevant?
  Ons zelf voorliegen om een andere input te geven aan het web? Etiketten Autocorrect

Material experimentation with concrete, aduino and wood (lasercutter)

Insights from Experimentation

(what have you pulled from your hands on practice based research?)

Artistic/Design Principles

(what is your own criteria for designing?)

Artistic/Design Proposal

(what do you propose to make)

Realised work

(what did you actually make)

Final Conclusions

(what was the point? what do you take away?)


  1. Peter-Paul Verbeek, Wij hebben geen klauwen en dus hebben we ’n iPhone, website
  2. JoAnn Stonier, Data is the new currency, article
  3. Damián Le Nouaille, Instagram is listening to you blogpost
  4. Jeremy S. Cook, THERO : A Physical Device for Internet Privacy Control website
  5. Jean-Paul Satre, Being and Nothingness book