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Digital craft titelll.jpg

Digital craft

The assignment was to choose a work in the boijmans. We will use this work as an inspiration source. Starting a project with a trip is immediately a plus for me! We had to make a copy of this work and a transformation. This means that we make a work that is entirely derived from the chosen work from the boijmans and one that we make with the work of boijmans in mind.

900x450 2942.jpg
The painting I chose is called “Late visitors to pompeii”

The artist behind this painting called Carel Willink. He was a Dutch painter who preferred to call his style imaginary realism instead of magic realism. I can understand the fact he preferred that name taking this painting as an example, it’s almost surrealistic it’s a surreal situation and at the same time it’s a mirror of our society today.


Looking at this painting I am overwhelmed with confusion. Is it possible that we were already so individualistic in 1931, that our society was already so antisocial and closed? When a bomb explodes, we do not look at each other, as if we ourselves have nothing to do with it. we are solidly melting in our own egos.

Schilderij 1 .jpg
Schilderij 2 .jpg
Schilderij 3 .jpg

In order to clarify the feeling I got from the painting, I have photoshopped it a bit. I force the men to look at each other while a volcano erupts behind them. I force them to no longer ignore each other. Then I let them point to each other. I believe that we live in a society where everything goes wrong but we never feel responsible for this. we blame others, and we turn our backs on our problems. pointing out fingers.. I didn’t do it, he/she did!

Copy image .jpg