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Digital Craft - Doortje Hogesteeger - 0931128



Nautilusbeker, 1590, unknown Boijmans van Beuningen reason: shininess and the shape reminded me of a soccer victory cup Zilver > Edelmetaal > Metaal > Anorganisch materiaal

Parelmoer > Schelp > Dierlijk materiaal > Organisch materiaal

Parel > Dierlijk materiaal > Organisch materiaal

Halfedelsteen > Natuursteen > Steen > Mineralen en gesteenten > Anorganisch materiaal

Nautilusschelp > Schelp > Dierlijk materiaal > Organisch materiaal


associations: File:Associaties-door.pdf

abduction of Europe: File:Europe story.pdf

nautiluscup in 's-hertogenbosch File:Hertogenbosch-door.pdf

further research: File:Nautilusbeker-research-klein.pdf


relevant to the work



work from around the same time

Sametime2-door.png Sametime-door.png

100 years or more prior

100years-1-door.png 100years-2-door.png

within the last 2 years

Tattoo-2year.png nautilus used as tattoo design amongst youngsters


boat communities named after nautilus

key words - wealth - show off - functionless - nature vs human


- Dit bijzondere verzamelobject werd ook gebruikt om pas geboren babies te laten dopen.

- De man met de grootste nautulisbeker werd geacht de speech aan tafel te doen

- Door het kweken van de nautilus inktvis zijn er veel namaak bekers in omloop


- Dit bijzondere verzamelobject verenigt in feite de naturalia (objecten uit de natuur) en de artificialia (door mensen vervaardigde objecten),die in de 17de-eeuwse rariteitenkabinetten bijeenwerden gebracht.

- De breekbaarheid van schelpen liet gebruik als drinkgerei niet toe, tenzij bij speciale gelegenheden. Het waren statussymbolen,die uiting moesten geven aan de rijkdom en maatschappelijke positie van de eigenaar en de bewondering moesten opwekken van gasten.

- Ik vraag me namelijk al maanden af, sinds ik het schilderij voor het eerst zag: hoe zou dat nu drinken, uit zo’n schelp? Dat moet toch enorm raar zijn? Gulpt de wijn dan niet over je kleren, als je maar ietsje onvoorzichtig bent? En hoe komt een wijn in zo’n schelp uit? Schijnt bij rode wijn de kleur door? Hoe proeft en ruikt de wijn als je uit een nautilusschelp drinkt?


For the copy i was quite struggling, because of the richness of stories within the object and difficult materials to work with i challenged myself to recreate the cup and experiment with different parts of shininess. Here are some photos of the experiments


clay and polish


shampoo in plastic, with good lighting shines like diamond


shiny fabric molted into cup shape


clay polish and silver markers


glue gun, shiny fabric in between and molted into shape


silicon with hairspray for shinyness


kippengaas met shiny fabric intertwined



flag sketching

For my appropriation I choose to design a well known object for a contemporary collection of curiosities. Create an object without a proper function but known in all societies. For example what shows your wealth? A straw roofing, designer bags to small to carry anything in it, raincoats but not waterproof etc. I created a flag, including a famous instagram feed and number of followers. In my generation this is a way to show your “wealth” but has in my opinion no true value. The persons obsession is camouflage so he made his own contemporary collection of curiosities. The flag feels like a first draft and in coming quarters I like to dive deeper into my research question. The word: COLLECTION OF CURIOSITIES triggered me and want to develop the project with deeper meaning and include new forms of technology.


Craft in dictionary means: an activity involving skill in making things by hand.

My craft lies in combining future scenarios with older crafts. My “lifestyle transformation design” background taught me how to make changes and create awareness within societies. My point of view is mostly a struggle, annoyance, or develops a countermovement of issues happening. Doesn’t need to be in social context it could as well be personal frustration.

I want to develop projects that tingles the viewer, combine old and new stories and connect things that should not belong together. To accomplish these concepts I like to combine, use mixed media and collage to visualize/sketch my ideas. I love my city Rotterdam as inspiration as well as online medium pinterest. For example in my project: The future of cheating I crafted my own jewelry. Looking at futuristic designs form movies and research shape of faces and fingers. The concept: cheating becomes a transparent issue instead a concern behind closed doors. I designed “the new wedding ring” a combination of smart (sensors included) jewelry and intimate feelings of your partner towards another robot or human being. You are constantly in contact with your other half. This example shows a close relationship between human and technology in a future scenario.

I still need to develop my skills in actually working with my hands and get hands on with materials. I’m quite fond of clay, glue and fabrics to create but need to develop my wood and metal skills. It’s important for me to stay diverse. Constantly being aware of changes around me and how to adapt them into my work.

Both digital and analogue landscapes intrigue me. I need one to create another and vice versa. For example black mirror is a serie who uses old and new techniques to visualize a future perspective. Due to massive research and creating innovative pieces as production designer/ art direction truly inspires me. The way that they portray recognizable items with extremely scary futuristic concept and products is my goal in digital craft. Combining daily old objects, knowing their true value and translate or appropriate them to unknown items, that make people reconsider, disguise or change their behavior.

For upcoming projects I would like to discover the medium film. Expand research in film and see how old tricks (crafts) are still used in current films and how to appropriate and graduate with a future visioned film.