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Réka Anna Huszár


Fashion Design

Project 1 - Critical Making Excercise

Dating App for Trees

How to build a Dating App for trees?

Nowadays people meet online – it has never been easier to show your interest then swiping right. But how could a tree make decisions? Do trees make decisions? What if trees would talk?

After a short research, we discovered that trees are actually able to talk. They use the networks of fungi that grow in the ground and inside their roots. Through this system, trees can share resources with each other furthermore plants use fungi to send messages to one another!

Inspiration [1] from BBC

If this is true, what happens with the flowers and plants in pots? – asked ourselves. Struggling with total loneliness? As a solution, we decided to create a system that would allow indoor plants to communicate and fulfil their social need. Using the concept of wi-fi – we designed the network called the TRI-FI.

Image: 300 pixels Image: 320 pixels

with Martha, Maria, Daan and Balázs

Project 2 - Cybernetic Prosthetics

Project 3 - Black Box

Designed to make you feel smart and self-confident. What is the secret essence of brightness?

According to Geroge Miller, the human brain is able to remember 5 or even 9 digits, but not exactly designed for difficult calculation. For this reason, we help ourselves by using our fingers, pen&paper or a calculator!

An ordinary calculator has:

- a cover
- buttons
- a battery
- a keyboard membrane
- a display – liquid crystal display
- keyboard sensors – with touch-sensitive circuit
- a microchip
- a solar panel
*some magic buttons designed for clever people

Image: 250 pixels Image: 472 pixels

Project 4 - Mapping

Project 5 - Position Paper of my Practice