From Publication Station
The steps to take to make a stone lithograph print.
Remove image
- Wash the stone with terpetine to remove the ink on the image
- grind two stones together with sand and water between the stones
- grind til you don’t see the image any moreGrind a bevel on the stone with the stone file.
Grinding a stone
- grind the stone with a glass or steel muller an abrasive we use carborundum and water start with rough grit carborundum then medium carborundum and fine carborundum
Make a image on a stone
- draw with Lithographic crayon or Lithographic pencil thous contain greasepaint with lithographic tusche you can water the ink down to get grey tones
Eching a stone
- use cotton wool to apply talcum powder over the image pour a mixture of gom arabic with nitric acid on a non with part of the stone and move it over the image with a squeezed sponge end with a thin layer over the stone
- wait at least 12 hours
- the ratio of the mix depends on the the image
- use 25 drops nitric acid in one once gom for a drawing
- 10 grams gom / 8 drops nitric acid
the greasy image areas become water repellent or hydrophobic and the non-image areas become water receptive or hydrophilic. This chemical change happens in the very top layer
Wash and rolling up
- wash of the acid gom mix with water and sponge
- dry the stone with a lithographers fan.
- apply plain gum on the stone with a squeezed sponge end with a thin layer over the stone
- wash out the drawing materials with pure turpentine ‘dry wash’ the surface of the stone is protected by the gum arabic.
- wash of the gom with a good amount of water keep the stone wet with sponge
- roll up the image with not drying black ink (pen inkt)repeat till you see the image again.
do a second etching
- use cotton wool to apply Rosin dust powder over the image
- use cotton wool to apply talcum powder over the image
- pour a mixture of gom arabic with nitric acid on a non with part of the stone and move it over the image with a squeezed sponge end with a thin layer over the stone.
- Wait for a hour.
- Wash and rolling up
== Printing