From Publication Station
This page is dedicated to research on web-to-print approaches and workflows.
Deadline for research: June 26
Starting points
Ultimate goal: transform reflowable (markup-based) digital publications into fixed-layout PDF.
Case study: Beyond Social. How can web-to-print (or wiki-to-print) be applied to Beyond Social.
- an online workflow, that can be run on a server
- support page numbers
- gather all articles in on to 1 document
Advanced features:
- impositions - how can impositions, instead of simple stack of pages, be integrate into this workflow?
Possible strategies - software
- laTex - Document preparation system, focused on the creation of PDFs, uses its own markup, supported by Pandoc.
- wkhtmltopdf - HTML to PDF converter based on Webkit.
- Weasy Print - Python, visual rendering engine for HTML and CSS that can export to PDF
- Mediawiki Collection Extension - the same system used by Wikipedia to create books in PDF and Epub formats.
For each strategy try to point out:
- summary of the workflow
- example prototype
- advantages
- disadvantages
- how can it be integrated into teaching
further questions
can you export latex rules to css?