Text And Code: Alice's Adventures in Computerland

From Publication Station
Revision as of 11:28, 2 September 2022 by VKranendonk (talk | contribs) (→‎Program)

Welcome to the course Text and Code.

In this series of classes from the Publication Station you will use code to load and layout large bodies of text on the web. The visitor of your online publication will be given the option to display the text in several ways. We will also make the publication interactive, allowing the user to find, filter and highlight the text. As a final touch you will create animated SVG’s exported from Illustrator.


Class 1


  1. Intro HTML/CSS/Javascript
  2. WebScraper, CSV and JSON
  3. CSS grid


During the first class we work in groups of 3. You will start with some pre-made files. Divide the tasks below.


  1. Use the WebScraper.io extension to scrape Alice in Wonderland or any other book you like.
    1. Web_scraping:Export from WebScraper to CSV
    2. Transform `CSV` to `JSON` with [CSV2JSON](https://csvjson.com/csv2json)

- CSS grid

 - Add CSS grid and create a layout
 - Play [CSS Grid Garden](https://cssgridgarden.com/)

- Creating and adding images

 - Create images with [Dall-E Mini](https://huggingface.co/spaces/dalle-mini/dalle-mini) 
 - Add images via the `JSON` files

Class 2

Demos: 1. Loading of fonts

  1. [Using Google Fonts](https://fonts.google.com)
  2. [FontMap](http://fontmap.ideo.com/)

2. CSS filters and animations 3. Adding content filters with Javascript 4. Adding a search

Class 3

Demos: 1. Analyzing text 2. Adding an index

Class 4


Class 5


Tools overview


- [Tropy](https://tropy.org/) - [Open-AI](https://openai.com/)

Used during classes

- [WebScraper](https://www.webscraper.io/) - [CSV2JSON](https://csvjson.com/csv2json) - [CSS Grid Garden](https://cssgridgarden.com/) - [Dall-E Mini](https://huggingface.co/spaces/dalle-mini/dalle-mini)