Visual Studio Code

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Revision as of 10:03, 5 September 2022 by VKranendonk (talk | contribs)

Visual Studio Code is a code editor created by Microsoft and freely available.

Visual Studio Code.png

The following will be instructions on installing Visual Studio Code and additional extensions.

Download Visual Studio Code from and install the software.

After opening Visual Studio Code, click on the Extensions icon. Left side of the window.

Visual Studio Code Extensions.png

Search for the extension Live Server.

Visual Studio Code Live Server.png

Click on Live Server and press "install".

Visual Studio Code Live Server Install.png

Click on the Explorer icon to go back to the file explorer.

Visual Studio Code Explorer Icon.png

Press the "Open Folder" button.

Visual Studio Code Open Folder.png

Always create a new empty folder to start with.

Visual Studio Code Create Folder.png

Press the "new file" icon.

Visual Studio Code New File Icon.png

Type "index.html" and press enter.

Visual Studio Code Index html.png

Type "!" exclamation mark and press "tab"

Visual Studio Code Exclamation Mark.png

Write "hello" in the <body> element

Visual Studio Code Write In Body.png

Press "Go Live". This should open your website 🥳.

Visual Studio Code Go Live.png