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Revision as of 22:00, 19 April 2015

Picking the right location is crucial for the interview. This decision must be taken considering the type of deliverable you pick.
If you already have an idea in mind of what you want to obtain, decision making is crucial in the process. If for example you are planning on doing an experimental interview, like a silent interview or any other method that pushes the boundaries of what comfort zone is then it’s necessary to think through which type of situations bring forward the required elements.
When a traditional approach is preferred and you want to obtain as much information as possible on certain topics like the alumni’s professional experience or maybe more personal topics, a comfortable situation is crucial.
Besides the actual space where the interview takes place, through our experience we have learned how important it is to stimulate or reward the experience by adding small details like bringing snacks, drinks or even something to scribble on.
Some of these insights we learned on our visit to the Nonstopcollective studio, they had a bowl full of stroopwafels and plenty of pear juice. One of their tricks with every client presentation!