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Latest revision as of 06:52, 14 May 2024

Composing the image

1. Print your text as separate pieces (titles, paragraph, quotes etc. in black n’ white)

  • make sure you choose different styles for the paragraphs, titles, quotes.

P2 1 print.jpg

2. Use the collage technique for placing the images and texts.

P2 2 collage.jpg

3. Mark the middle of your page

  • by folding it or drawing a light pencil line

P2 3 middle.jpg

4. Plan the layout of the texts and images.

P2 4 plan-layout.jpg

P2 13 cover1.jpg

Prepare the design for RISO printing

5. Plan colors per collage piece> plan the layers of colors (which piece on which layer).

  • large paragraphs you can cut to print with different colours as well;

6. Arrange the 1st color layer on all 4 pages.

  • remove the content that you want to only appear with the second color
  • tip: Tape down the first color layer with clear tape before removing the second layer (that way you make sure that everything will be well aligned throughout the printing process)

P2 5 plan-layer1.jpg

RISO printing

1st layer

7. Make the first master

Making the master with the Copy function of the RISO:

7.1 Open the front door and place a color of your choice
7.2 Put 2 test papers on the paper tray

P2 6 change-color.jpg

7.3 Open the lid and place your paper, aligning it with the A3 measurement guides

P2 7 layer1master.jpg

P2 8 layer1master-placement.jpg

7.4 Make sure the printer is in "Master Making" mode
7.5 Select 1 as print quantity
7.6 Press the blue button to start the process

P2 9 MasterMode.jpg

7.7 Print 25 copies

P2 10 layer1-printed.jpg

2nd layer

8. Arrange the 2nd color layer - remove /leave content according to your planning.

  • make sure you are placing the paper on the scanner the same direction as you did on your first layer
  • to avoid ruining your prints always make sure to test print the master
  • tip:the riso inks are transparent, which means that by overlapping 2 colours, you can get a new third colour! You can take advantage of that

P2 11 plan-layer2.jpg

9. Make master in a new color > print the 2nd layer to the first 25 prints.

P2 12 layer2-printed.jpg

The other side

10. Repeat the (2 layered) process for the other side of the paper.
- pay attention to which way you are turning your paper
P2 13 cover1.jpg

P2 14 cover2.jpg

P2 15 cover-printed.jpg

  • If you want, you can challenge yourself with a third color. The more colors - the more combinations!

11. Fold the paper and you have your finished RISO zine.
P2 17 folded-cover.jpg

P2 18 folded.jpg