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Thom Trouwborst


Unravel The Code

[Unravel the code page]

Stealing from the museum

[Hidden Treasures]

Fantastic Forgeries

Chosen object:



Maker: Anoniem

Titel: Maria met kind

Periode: 1350 - 1400

Materiaal: Marmer

Tekst Boijmans:


Dit beeld van Madonna en kind is een karakteristiek voorbeeld van de elegante stijl, die zin in de late viertiende eeuw in Parijs en omgeving ontwikkelde en al snel in heel Europa werd nagevolgd. De dromerige uitdrukking van Maria en haar sierlijke houding zijn karakteristiek voor de zogenaamde internationale gotiek; de vaardig weergegeven draperie doet niet onder voor het beste werk uit de vroege renaissance.


The sculpture of the Virgin and Child is a typical example of the elegant style that evolved in and around Paris in the late 14th century and was seen being imitated throughout Europe. The Virgin’s dreamy expression and graceful pose are characteristic of what is called International Gothic. The skillfully rendered drapery is a match for the best work of the early Renaissance.


There are three main reasons why i choose this marble statue. The first reason is that i wanted to work in 3d. I, As a graphic designer you tend to work mostly in 2 dimension. So with this minor i hope to create project with more than 2 dimensions. The second reason is my fascination for religieus imagery and symbolism. For instance, the virgin which is presented in many many different ways throughout the history but through certain coder you can always tell it’s the Virgin Mary. Back then certain symbols always communicated the same things. Next to the symbolism i’m also very interested in the esthetic of religious imagery. Every time period has it’s own style and i want to use this project to really dive in to this huge topic because i never had the change to do this. The third reason is that a wanted to choose a work which is or was very iconic. Icons are used and reproduced in different contexts which makes it interesting for me. The icon of the virgin is weaved in several religions and cultures. In hese religions and cultures she is pictured differently and that makes it very interesting.


Different images of Virgin Mary's inside the Boijmans:

Maria+kind+2engelen.jpeg Maria+man.jpeg VerheerlijkingvanMaria.jpeg Maria+kind.jpeg

1st Year: ca 1420 (IT) 2nd Year: ca ...?(?) 3rd Year: ca 1490 -1495 (NL) 4th Year: ca 1520 (BE)


The scene above is a scene from my house. Both me and my girlfriend like the esthetic of a Virgin Mary so we collected several different ones. Some of the imagery is Latin American, where the Virgin Mary is called "Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe". She is the patron of Mexico (and since 1945 of the entire continent; Latin America) The entire story

Maria 1.jpg Maria 2.jpg

Maria 3.jpg Maria 4.jpg

I photographed the different Virgins individually. As you can see, they al look very different but in the end you figure out it's a Virgin Mary without knowing the context.


Icon (Utrecht) by Oliver Laric

History of the Virgin