HOW TO BE HUMAN - solo project

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Showing the value of sound:

YURI SUZUKI - Sound art & design

| HET GELUID - Qmusic



AM Radio



In the first two weeks of this project I have researched the value of sound and how to effect the value of sound by attaching visuals to it. I think a lot of people never realise how valuable sound is for us. Sound is the cornerstone of communication, we rely on it all the time. Sound, and then mainly the human voice, has a certain beauty that I can't find anywhere else. The voice has something very personal, not only because everyone has a unique voice with its own characteristics, but also because we can explain and define ourselves in such a precise way. We can almost exactly communicate what we feel, think and want through speech.

The voice is a ...



I am Tharim, illustrator during the daytime, digital crafter during the nighttime. This year I found out that my practice doesn't include my major (illustration) as much as I thought it would.


I think people tend to take talking for granted. The ability to communicate with each other in such a specific and focussed way is something we are used to do all the time. Talking is the cornerstone of human communication.

Central question

How can I change the value of sound / Can I make people more aware of the gift of speech?