Thom Trouwborst

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Revision as of 20:59, 6 October 2014 by ThomTrouwborst (talk | contribs)
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The atlas of #Europe by Marinus Schepen, Alyar Aynetchi, Sara Risvåg and Sepus Noordmans

The Atlas of #Europe is a publication based on the study of Internet and cultural trends projected by users through Instagram. The collected images were scraped using the Instagram API with designated hashtags that refer to national and cultural tropes. The collected imagery is treated with the process of image analysis which compiled the collected data into a representation per EU nation using an infographic approach. This project was made in collaboration with Alyar Aynetchi, Sara Risvåg and Sepus Noordmans.

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7:07 by Alyar Aynetchi

7:07 reflects upon the infinite quantities of information on the internet by using as a peephole into the online realm. The contents of the book have been scraped from pastebin using scripts. Collecting data in specifically determined intervals in which content varies widely from log to log. The compiled contents of the book were collected in 7 minute and 7 second span. Part of the Whole Internet Catalog series.


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Braintrip by Rhinofly

The Braintrip uses EEG, this is a brain scanning technique which measures the electrical activity of your brains. Based on that data, the brainreader can see if you're relaxed or tense when you blink you're eyes. The Braintrip takes you through 3 stages. The first is reality. When you in the trip for a while the surreal world wil enter. When this gets to much, you can get back to reality by focusing again. In the end you're brain wil be to tired to focus and you have no other option than surrender yourself to the surreal world. When you're back to reality you can see the data the brainreader collected.



Soundposters by Trapped in Suburbia

Sound poster 02.jpg








Longhand publishers by Indianen

3 design workstations with custom software and electronics on which people can design pages. These pages will be printed on the spot by a home made drawing machine and were made in little publications.




Artist and filmmaker

A lot of his work contains stuff that is found online. This is what i found really interesting about it. I saw the video 'Mainsqeeze' at the TodaysArt exhibition and i'm kind off fascinated by it. Throughout the previous lessons my direction for a concept was leaning to youtube/filming on mobile phones/Why do we film things? and then i saw this. It show some really weird clips but because of the internet and everything that is on there it's pretty hard to be really shocked by something