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== <font color="#A10B9E"> ⌇⌇⌇⌇ UNRAVEL THE CODE ⌇⌇⌇⌇  </font> ==
== <font color="#6600FF"> ⌇⌇⌇⌇ MINOR ⌇⌇⌇⌇  </font> ==
<b>Digital Habits</b>
<font color="#FF36FD">  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  https://wmresearch.hotglue.me    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< </font>
: • ’S ochtends als eerst op laptop/telefoon kijken
: • Afhankelijkheid (stopcontacten, batterijen, telefoon)
: • Alles vast willen leggen (locatie, beeld, gevoel)
: • Missende interactie
[[/asm | <font color="#BB00C8">  PROJECT 1 </font>]]
<font color="#A10B9E"> </font>
[[/njm | <font color="#A10B9E"> PROJECT 2  </font>]]
[[/drie | <font color="#9400D3">  PROJECT 3  </font>]]
<b>Sherry Turble - Alone together TED talk</b>
[[/vier | <font color="#A10B9E"> PROJECT 4 </font>]]
[[/research | <font color="#BB00C8"> RESEARCH </font>]]
You only have to pay attention to the points that interest you. In real time, you can’t control what you’re gonna say. In digital time, we can present ourselves as we want to be (edit, delete: clean up with technology.)
Machines that offer companionship, no one else is listening in ‘real life’ but the machines are. They offer comfort, social robots. Machines that are always there for us and always want to listen to us
<i><b>We expect more from technology and less from each other. </b></i>
<font color="#A10B9E"> ⌇ </font>
<b>Project from André Castro, a real-time dialog between chatbots</b>
This work consists of a loop where two chatbots - virtual assistants, Anna (from IKEA) and Danny (from DAAD) are put in a chatting situation. Instead of the keywords common to their vocabulary, I introduced terms relative to the Creative Industries. Hope they will be able to help you.
<font color="#A10B9E"> ⌇ </font>
<b>Passwords</b> - What happens to all the old ones?
<b>Old/unused social media accounts</b> - What does still exist and are people aware of them? Do they care?
<b>Power/power plugs</b> - We became so dependent on them, they have full power over us. Extension of humanity.
<b>Voice recognition</b> - Let them communicate with each other, no human needed anymore
<b>Face recognition</b> - Influence, glitch
<i>Everything has to be easier/faster, but it actually is getting way more complex. If you look at the ‘A digital tomorrow’ video for example, you see the girl trying to start the car with face recognition. But it won’t recognize her until she has put on all of her make-up. Why do we want this? Why do we want to make everything easier but make it more complicated instead?</i>
<font color="#A10B9E"> ⌇ </font>
Books, writing, checking the time, searching for information; you can do this all on your phone. Everything has been put in one thing, we became so dependent on this tittle device. It has to charged all the time and when it's almost running out of battery we start to panic. We made took the electrical car as a reference. You only have a certain number of spots where you can charge the battery, you have to plan the route your taking otherwise you will be out of current.
<font color="#A10B9E"> ⌇ </font>
<b>Turn yourself into a walking <i>charger</i>: Wearable technology could let us power up mobile phones using our <i>body heat</i></b>.
Technology that could one day power your smartphone using just body heat has been developed. Wearable computers or devices have been hailed as the next generation of mobile electronic gadgets, but finding a way to deliver sufficient, long-lasting power has been a problem. Now scientists have come up with a novel solution using a glass and fabric-based thermoelectric generator that could spell a new age of discreet smart technology. When using the generator for a wearable wristband device, it will produce around 40 milliwatts of electric power based on the temperature difference of 0.5°C (31°F) between human skin and the surrounding air. For now it is intended to be suitable for charging small devices like mobile phones.
<b>"My 900 passwords are on the chip in my hand" </b>
Met een chip in je hand je kop koffie afrekenen of inchecken op 't station: het klinkt als toekomstmuziek, maar het kan al echt. Wereldwijd hebben zo'n 2000 mensen al zo'n ding laten implanteren. En ook steeds meer Nederlanders lopen rond met een onderhuidse chip. Tom van Oudenaarden, eigenaar van een piercingshop, is – voor zover hij weet – de enige in Nederland die de chips implanteert. Hij heeft er dit jaar bij zo'n vijftig Nederlanders eentje gezet. En volgens hem wordt de belangstelling alleen maar groter. Wel zijn het vooral de technerds die er eentje laten 'zetten'. In de handen van Martijn Wismeijer zitten sinds een aantal weken twee chips. Na de installatie had hij een paar dagen pijn, maar dat ging al snel over. "Je voelt ze nog wel, maar je vergeet al snel dat ze er zitten." Martijn gebruikt de ene chip als spaarrekening voor bitcoins. Volgens hem is het de veiligste manier om zijn geld bij zich te houden: "Het is gemakkelijk en ik heb ze altijd bij me." Op de chip in zijn andere hand bewaart hij wachtwoorden voor zo'n 900 websites. "Veel mensen gebruiken overal hetzelfde wachtwoord", zegt Martijn. "Ik vind dat een heel slechte gewoonte." In Martijns linkerhand zitten dus zijn bitcoins. Die kan hij overmaken naar zijn telefoon, en zo kan 'ie betalen.
<b>The Pros and Cons of Inserting a Smart Microchip Into Your Own Body</b>
<b>Swedish office puts chips under staff's skin</b>
<b>Design Noir: The Secret Life of Electronic Objects</b>
<b> HUMAN DOCK</b>
We become more and more dependent on electricity. When our phone and laptop battery shows that is has only a few procent left, we panic. We have our whole lives on our phone so when this device dies, we are hopeless.  With this is our heads we started looking at the future, how all the activities and functions are slowly moving into our body. Microchips are being placed in our bodies It’s not external anymore, like your phone, but actually under our skin. We become more and more like robots, programmed and dependent. Dependent on electricity and caught in our own electronic addiction.
Our bodies won’t function anymore without electricity, they are fully programmed and need current to stay active. They need to be charged by laying in the ‘Human Dock’, an installation in the form of a bed that functions as a charging station.
• Installation & video (film installation from above)
• Wooden bed frame
• Wooden carved out ‘docks’ with a plug for the arm
• Mattress
• Transparent fabric ‘covering’ human bodies
• Two humans

Latest revision as of 19:28, 23 January 2017

⌇⌇⌇⌇ MINOR ⌇⌇⌇⌇

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://wmresearch.hotglue.me <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<