Terminal cheat sheet

From Publication Station


cd [folder] Change directory
~/ shortcut for your home directory. ~/Documents, ~/Downloads, ~/Desktop
cd ~ Change to Home directory, e.g. ‘cd ~/Documents/’
cd / Root of drive
‘cd ../’ = Move 1 level up
‘cd ../../’ = Move 2 levels up
ls List files and folder inside current folder
pwd Full path to working directory
cat [file] print content (concatenate) of file to screen
less [file] read into content (concatenate) of file to screen
rm [file] Remove a file, e.g. rm [file] [file]
rm -r [dir] Remove a directory and contents
cp [file] [newfile] Copy file to file
cp [file] [dir] Copy file to directory
mv [file] [new filename] Move/Rename file or dirtory, e.g. mv -v [file] [dir]
clear Clear screen


history Shows the stuff typed previously


mkdir [dir] Create new directory
mkdir -p [dir]/[dir] Create nested directories
rmdir [dir] Remove directory ( only operates on empty directories )
rm -R [dir] Remove directory and contents

PIPES - Allows to combine multiple commands that generate output

more Output content delivered in screensize chunks
> [file] Push output to file, keep in mind it will get overwritten
>> [file] Append output to existing file
< Tell command to read content from a file


man [command] Show the manual for ‘command’
whatis [command] Gives a one-line description of ‘command’
[command] -h Offers help
[command] —help Offers help
[command] help Offers help
reset Resets the terminal display
