Courses/Hybrid publishing

From Publication Station

<slidy theme="a" />



  • Hybrid publishing.
  • Motivations, concepts, tools, strategies, formats that have been present in hybrid publishing efforts of WdKA. 
  • Role and possibilities for publishing in an art school. 
  • Presentation publications developed to date and in-progress. 
  • Inauguration the device lab.

Why publishing?

How hybrid?

Hybrid publishing

Ludovico quote on hybrid publishing in Progetto Grafico #28

hybrid publishing works

Traumawien [1] [2]

Badlands Unlimited

Books Scapes, Julien Levesque, 2012

E-Book Backup, Julien Levesque, 2012

Multichannel publishing workflows

  • ePub
  • PDF
  • self-contained single-file HTML e-books
  • Comic book Archive


Tools for hybrid publishing

open source, simple tools that work in combination, forming publishing pipelines

Hands-on exploration of strategies and tools


"In electronic processing of texts, this hierarchical ordering [...] as well as additional reading aids such bold or italic text, is made possible by using specific formatting codes. This process is called markup and the codes are called markup element"[1]

plain text files

Are only constituted by text. No images, no visual markings.

Are edited using plain text editors and NOT word processors.

Can displayed using the terminal cat myfile.txt will print the content of myfile.txt

Markings are done using (special characters)

Historical examples of plain text file undeground publishing

Different Markup languages

Each markup uses a different marking syntax


<h1>Revenge of the Text</h1>
 <p>There is a room in the <strong>Musée d’Orsay</strong> that I call the <em>room of possibilities</em>.</p>
 <p>That room contains:</p>
  <li>a snow flake</li>
  <li>the end of a cloud</li>
  <li>a bit of nothing</li>

Wiki markup:

= Revenge of the Text =
There is a room in the '''Musée d’Orsay''' that I call the ''room of possibilities''.

That room contains:
* a snow flake
* the end of a cloud
* a bit of nothing


# Revenge of the Text
There is a room in the **Musée d’Orsay** that I call the *room of possibilities*.

That room contains:
* a snow flake
* the end of a cloud
* a bit of nothing


p> <hi>A New yeares guift for shrews</hi> is a diminutive sheet engraved c.1630 and signed by the relatively unknown Thomas Cecill, who seems to have been active between 1625 and 1640. It bears the imprint of the even less known Edward Lee, whose only other issue is a large equestrian portrait of Charles I. </p>
<p>In a series of unified scenes, it depicts the traditional nagging wife eventually beaten by her husband, and ultimately chased off by the devil. It is accompanied by the following rhyme of a traditional type, reminiscent of the ditty about <hi>Solomon Grundy</hi>, who was <hi>Born on Monday</hi>, and then on successive days christened, married, taken fatally ill and <hi>Buried on Sunday</hi>: </p>
<lg rend="italics">
<l>Who marieth a wife uppon a Moneday,</l>
<l>If she will not be good uppon a Tewesday, </l>
<l>Lett him go to the wood uppon a Wensday, </l>
<l>And cutt him a cudgell uppon the Thursday, </l>
<l>And pay her soundly uppon a Fryday; </l>
<l>And<note><hi>And</hi>: if</note> she mend not, the Divil take her a Saterday </l>
<l>Then may he eate his meate in peace on the Sonday.</l>

Docbook XML

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <book xml:id="simple_book" xmlns="" version="5.0">
   <title>Very simple book</title>
   <chapter xml:id="chapter_1">
     <title>Chapter 1</title>
     <para>Hello world!</para>
     <para>I hope that your day is proceeding <emphasis>splendidly</emphasis>!</para>
   <chapter xml:id="chapter_2">
     <title>Chapter 2</title>
     <para>Hello again, world!</para>

Reference: Petr van Blokland, Het boek als object, Items, 2004 (!)


Create one plain-text file

Using either in HTML or Wiki syntax.

You can:

Save it dedicated folder.

turn this file into into other formats

Pandoc - a markup converter 

If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife

Pandoc diagram.png

Pandoc - converting to HTLM


Pandoc - converting to ePub


converting to single-file self-contained e-book

command ..

  • HTML - web    (options: --standalone, --css, title, etc - so they get a sense of the options)  
  • HTLM - self-contained mulimedia e-books based on single HTML files 
  • EPUB (options: --epub-stylesheet, --epub-cover, --epub-chapter-level)

Epub An editable format

Calibre's edit book function to 

  • open an epub
  • navigate structure 
  • change content, style, metadata
  • the issue of good reader apps

Self-contained HTML

  • Example of a multimedia e-zine with animated GIFs and sound
  • Look at the source code
  • What is a data URI?
  • What can you do better with self-contained HTML, what can you do better EPUB?

converting to PDF

A complicated case.

Different approaches tried:
