/storyboard 1

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1) Ballet dancers always get me inspired to photograph them. Because of my big fascination of the human body and the different shapes it can form to I got the feeling that I wanted to look even closer at the movements that the dancer made. I want to study their movements, the ways that their body can shape to when they are dancing. I would love to create a digital way of making an interaction between movement of the dancer and its connection to the viewer.



Technology has always been seen as something that is unhuman. This because it overtakes the working labor that human used to do. A machine is an extension of the human body and my tool shows the way that technology can be more like the human body. Messuring movements and passing them on by connecting.


3 A really humanly thing to do for a tool. This process makes that my tool grows a identity. An identity that connects between a danser its viewer and the movements of the danser. The tool will give a signal with vibrations that the viewer feels on the same place that the dancer puts in motion. This movement I will magnify on a big screen behind the dancer.


In my last project for digital craft the copy for fantastic forgeries I have made a dress inspired by the dress of Lie van der Werff. It gave me a skin like feeling so I recreated skin with latex. I used the body parts that the dress touches if a model would wear it. These body parts I recreated with latex. The dress would look the same as on the image of Lie van der Werff from afar but when you come nearby the dress would show you the shapes of the body the bone structure, goose bumps and veins. For my second dress I rearranged the body parts. This shows an even bigger deformation. For the other dress This is something that shows a big connection to this new project. I think) All my other works are also related to this project because in all of my photo’s I am working with the deformation of the human body. I live by the quote of John Lennon. “Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.” Creating images that continuously try to withdraw you from our world. Using mostly photography. Playing with distortion and illusion. Let people look twice at something because it is different than they are used to. I am mostly inspired by the shapes that the human body can take and how to combine this with location, clothing and materials. And In this project I get to connect this to technology and I am seeing even more possibilities!


video nr 1: I want to show images of my old work and some of the new. Talk when the film is playing. A documentairy approuch.

Scene 1 > gedeelte uit ballet dans die goed de bewegingen en posities laat zien die ik inspirerend vind.

Scene 2 > beelden technologie en mens combineren.

Scene 3> belden ingezoomd van mijn techniek die ik toepas?

Scene 4> beelden tonen van mijn werk.