Opdracht 1: hoe elektriciteit werkt
MEETING 2 - Ideeën bespreken
Ik wil smartphone gebruik vastleggen, bijvoorbeeld: hoe vaak iemand zijn telefoon opent. Deze handelingen willen ik weergeven doormiddel van licht/beweging
De rest van de groep wil ook iets doen met het menselijk lichaam: 1. Materiaal dat het lichaam verwarmt doormiddel van een batterij. 2. Een interactieve poster doormiddel van een pen met inkt dat werkt als elektriciteit. 3. Een lamp die menselijke bewegingen volgt.
Opdracht 2
Measuring Voltage
What you need (ask at the Interaction Station):
- Multimeter
- 9 Volt battery (5V in the tutorial)
- 9 Volt battery clip for in a breadboard
- 470 Ohm resistor (1K Ohm in the tutorial)
- breadboard
Outcome: Voltage 7 Resistance 465 Ampere 19.3
Measuring resistance
What you need (ask at the Interaction Station):
- Multimeter
- 3 random resistors
- 3 resistors of the same value
- breadboard
Series Resistance Outcome: Volt 1th restitor 2.38 Volt 2nd/3th 2.39 Volt 1th + 2nd together 4.77 Volt 2nd + 3th together 4.78 Volt 1th +2nd +3th together 7.16 I = V/R 9,11: 2,38 = 3,83 9,11 : 7,16 = 1,27
Measuring Current
What you need (ask at the Interaction Station):
- Multimeter
- 9 Volt battery (5V in the tutorial)
- 9 Volt battery clip for in a breadboard
- 470 Ohm resistor (1K Ohm in the tutorial)
- breadboard
Outcome Volt 7 Resistance 465 Ampere 19.3
Measuring voltage and current in a series circuit
What you need (ask at the Interaction Station):
- Multimeter
- 9 Volt battery (5V in the tutorial)
- 9 Volt battery clip for in a breadboard
- 3 resistors random resistors
- breadboard
Outcome Volt 9.11 Ampere 3.83 I = V/R 9,11: 2,38 = 3,83 9,11 : 7,16 = 1,27
Measuring voltage and current in a parallel circuit What you need (ask at the Interaction Station):
- Multimeter
- 9 Volt battery (5V in the tutorial)
- 9 Volt battery clip for in a breadboard
- 3 resistors random resistors
- breadboard
Outcome: Battery voltage: 8.58 Voltage van de drie restitors : 8.41 I=V/R 8.58/8.41 = 1.02
Opdracht 3 Circuit making Etching
Opdracht 4, Independent project presentation, brainstorm and feedback
1. Make an illustration of your most memorable insight of what you have learned/discovered;
Electricity circuit
2. Make a drawing of how this insight can be made into a physical artefact; Create a game like twister, when you touch each other you create lights
I'm forming a team with Syree Daily devices
Research - testing
Created with a marker and mixer
Inspiration for our project:
Human Fill in the Gap
Human Fill in the Gap is our exhibition title. It shows that there are people needed in order to complete the assignment (interactive). The exhibition contains three different projects which are my project, the warm jacket of Quint and the electronic paint of Sungmi. These projects are about changing the context and showing the unpractical or practical side with a touch of playfulness with the use of rules.
Humans fill in the gap, is an interactive installation
using daily devices on a playful way.
We created rules because we want to use the daily devices in
another context to combine humanity with technology in a social way.
The most important aspect is time,
realtion with the device and changes within the process of making.