User:Vera/Q10unravel the code/Vera
Immaterials: Light painting WiFi / Timo Arnall / 2011
This project explores the invisible terrain of WiFi networks in urban spaces by light painting signal strength in long-exposure photographs.
A four-metre long measuring rod with 80 points of light reveals cross-sections through WiFi networks using a photographic technique called light-painting.
The city is filled with an invisible landscape of networks that is becoming an interwoven part of daily life.
WiFi networks and increasingly sophisticated mobile phones are starting to influence how urban environments
are experienced and understood. We want to explore and reveal what the immaterial terrain of WiFi looks like and how it relates to the city.
Making Future Magic: light painting with the iPad/Timo Arnall
White Spots / A Journey to the Edge of the Internet / Studio Richard Vijgen / 2015
Smell of data/Leanne Wijnsma, Froukje Tan
The sense of smell helped early humans to survive. But now that our hunting and gathering has moved to the digital environment,
our noses can no longer warn us of the lurking dangers in the online wilderness.
The Smell of Data is a new scent created to instinctively alert internet users of data leaks on personal devices.
WiFi is a technology for wireless local area networking with devices based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. Devices that can use Wi-Fi technology include personal computers, video-game consoles, smartphones, digital cameras, tablet computers, digital audio players and modern printers. Wi-Fi compatible devices can connect to the Internet via a WLAN network and a wireless access point. Such an access point (or hotspot) has a range of about 20 meters indoors and a greater range outdoors. Hotspot coverage can be as small as a single room with walls that block radio waves, or as large as many square kilometres achieved by using multiple overlapping access points.
visible and invisible WiFi signals
WiFi signals are everywhere. Everywhere? is there some edge or border? There are some spots without WI-FI we call it white spots. there not alot of this spots (i speak now for the holland), every where is some 'hotspot' of WiFi. This signals floating around. also when it is floating around in the city it work reversed, because it in't possible to be the highest then. here is a example what i mean, if you can see every signal is at the same height. except of one, in this case is the markthall the highest.
there are a lot of tools to track the floting wifi signals and strength. Like a phone wifi analyser of simple way by checking you're router with the flikkering led lamp.
Also is there the white spot app how Richard Vijgen created. The White Spots App visualizes the invisible electromagnetic.
The offline world in Virtual Reality, or use the White Spots world map to travel to places off the grid near you.
The visible way is to see it with you phone or a app or the most simple way on you router with the flickering LED. But are you aware that this WiFi floating around ever 20 meters? are you aware that you don't know that the strangh mabye influwens your behavior en sernounding? In the city they are everywhere we are surrounded by wifi signals. it's creating landscapes and some edge. there are alot of ways to track the wifi signals , but you can't see it in a real way. In real colours, in a real map like a atlas.
there alot of visible WI-FI signals but where are the White Spots? Where are the edges of this white spots?
I'll try to see the wifi with (in 2D information)
a program with the terminal / and seeing the ip-adress and strangeness of the networks
on my router / the router connect with the WIFI if it is flickering.
on my computer ? looking for networks....
Data mapping books
in Q9 i did a purpose for the LED lampposts.
this is in a way visible to see some change in the wifi network strength.
it is flickering when the singel strength going lower. based on the same concept of your'e router.
So i'ill try to create some wifi measurer where you can track on every moment the signal strength.
Is real time mapping.
In the first place i want to explore the way of LED, this is a panel whit LED strips. This strips have a ground / digital in/out put / 5 volt
The ground and 5 volt give the lights the energy what they need to light up. and the digital in put going to the digital out put.
It's looking like this:
I use the Arduino yun to catch the wifi signals.
To make it portable i used a powerbank. 130000 mah
How works the camera on the light?
First photos whit exposure time.
It was a big process to find a way to catch some wifi light.
and how i had to move to find the best way to photograph.
tijdelijk Concept
Wifi heeft verschillende kanten. We zijn op zoek naar de zogenaamde white spots, de spots zonder wifi. Ondertussen heb je wifi wel nodig hebt om constant up to date te blijven. Ik had bijvoorbeeld zonder wifi mijn wiki niet kunnen schrijven. We zijn er echt afhankelijk van. Aan de andere kant zijn er experimenten die aan tonen dat wifi slecht is en mensen met Elektro-hypersensitiviteit (EHS).
De bewustwording is dan ook lastig om te creëren. Net als het uitlekken van data, wat niet zichtbaar is, maar je kan het nu wel ruiken. Ik heb meetapparatuur gemaakt in 'real time' die elke 1/2 sec. update. Het kleurenschema geeft aan in welke categorie wifi-sterkte je zit. Door het felle licht is het pijnlijk ernaar te kijken, vooral het constant verspringen is vermoeiend.
Wifi brengt ons verder in de communicatie, maakt ons leven makkelijker, maar het geeft niet meer zicht op de werkelijkheid. Niemand is er over uit of deze straling letterlijk gevaarlijk is.
Ik heb mijn project borderline genoemd omdat de grenzen van wifi moeilijk, vrijwel niet te stellen zijn. Kan je iets zeggen of benoemen, conclusies trekken waar de wifi wel of niet is? Ik doe dat door te stellen dat het een persoonlijke stoornis is. Gelukkig help de borderline je herinneren in welke wifi-toestand jij zit.
tijdelijke End results
End results
Rotterdam wifi city.
A interactive mapping of Rotterdam north.
Mapping in a analogue way, translate in a digital way.
Wi-Fi influences people’s behavior in the city in an indivisible way.
The way of communicating, the way of interacting, the way of transporting.
Wi-Fi isn’t visible, but it can be made visible on a mapping.
Mappings are normally used by tourists or car drivers to determine the right direction.
This mapping however is for everyone and shows the average Wi-Fi signal strength in the city.
It communicates the Wi-Fi exposure in Rotterdam, Wi-Fi city.
The mapping is also invisible and visible at the same time.
The Wi-Fi spots are made visible by hovering your cursor over the map of Rotterdam.
They are visible at first but become transparent. Similar to Wi-Fi pulses.
here the link to the website,wificity.html
mapping of wifi strengths, the mapping fades slowly away, like wifi signals.