User:Vera/Q10unravel the code/Vera

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Immaterials: Light painting WiFi / Timo Arnall / 2011

Aho wifi.jpg Light 2.jpg
This project explores the invisible terrain of WiFi networks in urban spaces by light painting signal strength in long-exposure photographs.
A four-metre long measuring rod with 80 points of light reveals cross-sections through WiFi networks using a photographic technique called light-painting.

Making Future Magic: light painting with the iPad/
Screen Shot 2017-01-18 at 15.18.34.png Screen Shot 2017-01-18 at 16.07.21.png

The city is filled with an invisible landscape of networks that is becoming an interwoven part of daily life. WiFi networks and increasingly sophisticated mobile phones are starting to influence how urban environments are experienced and understood. We want to explore and reveal what the immaterial terrain of WiFi looks like and how it relates to the city.

Wifi signals

Wifi signals are everywhere. Everywhere? i'm not sure about that. But in the city they are everywhere we are surrounded by wifi signals. It's a place to feel save to having your'e daily free wifi shot. That you can connect whit your'e imagian of the world wide web. there is only one thing whats make my very curious thats is how do you see it in the real world? is it everywhere in the city? Can't make it us afraid by the fact we don't see it? Make it us not nosey to explore the way of the invisible live by wifi? why make it us to fee save to have our thine little LED flikkering in our router system? why we are waiting to make the connection?

I'll try to see the wifi with:

wifi analyser for the phone

a program with the terminal

Screen Shot 2017-01-19 at 14.08.27.png

on my router

on my computer

there are alot of ways to track the wifi signals , but you can't see it in a real way. In real colours, in a real map like a atlas.

Moving signals

Moving city

Mapping city

Mapping wifi signals



End results
