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Mimicking Machines 2016

Who am I?


I'm Alessandra Stradiotto, a Graphic design student from Brazil! Welcome to my page! E-mail:

Assignment 1: I Draw. You Draw. It Draws

The machine that I chose is a photo camera. I google it to get an image as reference and then I drew the vector in Illustrator. In the instructions, I chose to set all the variables such as the table space that the person needs and the material. Based on coordinates, I simplify the drawing to be possible to be executed.
Original camera.jpg A1 grid.jpg Camera complete.jpg

1. Find a table with free area of at least 600x900mm;
2. Take a seat;
3. Take a 1mm pencil or pen;
4. We are going to start drawing the grid. If you already have the proper grid, please go to step 15.
5. Start drawing one horizontal line in the middle of the left lower quadrant of the page. The line should be 400mm long;
6. Taking into consideration the line you have already drew, measure 16mm distance;
7. Measure 16mm upward and draw a parallel horizontal line;
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 fourteen more times;
9. To draw the vertical lines of you grid, go to the point (0,0) of you lowest line (the first line you drew);
10. Draw a 280mm perpendicular line;
11. Assuming you first horizontal line is the X axis, measure 16mm in this axis to its right;
12. Draw another vertical line;
13. Repeat the steps 11 and 12 twenty one more times;
14. Give names to each line following this rule: the horizontal lines are named with letters in the alphabetical order (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w) and the vertical lines are named with numbers starting with 0 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
15. Now you have the grid, let us start drawing our machine;
16. Find the cordinate C3;
17. Draw a line from C3 to C10;
18. Draw a line from C10 to K10;
19. Draw a line from O10 to U10;
20. Draw a line from U10 to U3;
21. Starting from U3 and finishing at T2, draw a ¼ circunference arc of radious 17mm;
22. Draw a line fromT2 to O2;
23. Draw a line from K2 to D2;
24. Starting from D2 and finishing at C3, draw a ¼ circunference arc of radious 17mm;
25. Draw a line from D3 to D9;
26. Draw a line from T3 to T9;
27. To draw a circunference, find the cordinate M6. Assume that this is the center of the circunferences the four next circunferences that follows;
28. Draw a circunference with 32mm radius;
29. Draw a circunference with 48mm radious;
30. Draw a circunference with 64mm radious;
31. Draw a circunference with 72mm radious (this one will be in between the coordinates H and I);
32. Draw an ¼ circunference arc starting from N6 and finishing at M5. Take into consideration the center of this circunference also M6;
33. Draw a diagonal line from I8 to J12;
34. Draw a line from J12 to P12;
35. Draw a diagonal line from P12 to Q8;
36. Draw a diagonal line from J12 to L14;
37. Draw a line from L14 to M14;
38. Draw a diagonal line from N14 to P12;
39. Considering the center of the circunference at D10, draw a circunference arc from C10 to D11;
40. Draw a line from D11 to T11;
41. Considering the center of the circunference at T11, draw a circunference arc from T11 to U10;
42. Draw a complementary line between 11 and 12 in you Y axis. Call it 11.5. Make sure you can erase this line after finishing your draw;
43. Draw a line from D11 to D11.5;
44. Draw a line drom D11.5 to F11.5;
45. Draw a line from F11 to F12;
46. Draw a line from F12 to G12;
47. Draw a line from G11.5 to I11.5;
48. Draw a line from I11.5 to I11;
49. Draw a complementary line between D and E in your X axis;. Call it D1;
50. Draw a complementary line between E and F in your X axis. Call it E1;
51. Draw a line from (D1;11.5) to (D1,12);
52. Draw a line from (D1,12) to (E1,12);
53. Draw a line from (E1,12) to (E1,11.5);
54. Draw a diagonal line from Q11 to the middle of the square/cell;
55. Draw a complementary line between Q and R (Q1) and S and T (S1);
56. Draw a line between (Q1, 11.5) to (S1, 11.5);
57. Draw a diagonal line between (S1, 11.5) to (T11);
58. Draw a line from (Q1, 11.5) to (Q1, 12);
59. Draw a line from (Q1, 12) to (S1, 12);
60. Draw a line from (S1, 12) to S1, 11.5);
61. Erase all the complementary lines;
62. Say “I am done”!;
63. Figure out what is my favorite machine;

Assignment 2: The Extruded Milled and Sliced Alphabet

Sketching the idea

Idea letter t.jpg


Letter t 1.png Letter t 2.png Letter t 3.png Letter t 4.png