Catalog:De Printstudio 2014/2015 in beeldverhaal

From Publication Station

It turned out that printing the inside work was best on inkjet, but to keep the costs low, I copied these prints. The result was nicer and took much less time than printing to the Xerox machines directly. The cover was printed on Gloss Photopaper. Folding and stabling was done by hand.

De Printstudio 2014/2015 in beeldverhaal
Author Jasper de Koster
Date september, 2015
Type of publication magazine
Genre comic book
Dimensions A4
Binding saddle stiched
Material uncoated and coated (Photo)paper
Inside Work Xerox copied
Number of pages 16
Paper Type 90 gr. HVO + 255 grams Gloss Photopaper
Print Method cover: inkjet, inside: Xerox copies
Cover - Print Method inkjet on Glossy 255 grams
Edition 3
Cost per unit 1,88 + 4 x 0,30 = € 3,08

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