Catalog:North Sea Jazz 2016

From Publication Station

These books were primarily printed to test the speed of the Xerox 7545 machines. At first one book took 80 minutes. After a software update it took only 12 minutes. The covers were made, to show different types of prints.For the first and last cover I used very shiny metallic green and pink cardboard. I first used parts of the photo that I printed in white ink and printed the complete photo on top. I printed the middle cover on fluor cardboard on the Xerox 7545.

North Sea Jazz 2016
Author All students that participated making a poster
Date 2016
Type of publication softcover book
Genre poster art
Dimensions 210 x 297 mm, 7 mm thick
Binding glued
Material Paper and metallic glossy or fluor cardboard
Inside Work 90 grams copyspeed printed on Xerox 7545
Number of pages 98
Paper Type 90 grams copyspeed
Print Method laserprint
Cover - Print Method Printed on Xerox 7545 and later white added on Mimaki Flatbed
Edition up till now: 3
Cost per unit 6 - 7 euro

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