Online Presence
The goal of this class is to help students get started with building a personal online presence, which often results in a portfolio website. The instruction below are the preparations for the first, main workshop.
For the students to prepare BEFORE class:
(re)search portfolio websites of other designers/artists.
select ONE portfolio-site that you like and ONE that you don’t like.
Bring the url links to class.
In Class:
In duo’s go through the points/questions (below) of the 4 collected websites (2 you like, 2 you don't like). Pick 1 you both like and 1 you both don’t like, discuss them using the points below. Make connections between the points or add new ones. Prepare a short presentation of 3 minutes to the whole group. Focus in the presentation on a TIP and a TOP (tip for the maker, top for fellow students). Fill in the pad.
10 min: Intro
5 min: fill in the pad (1 website you liked, one you don’t like):
30 min: duo discussion and fill in the pad with a tip and a top and for both a link to the portfolio
5 min: break
30 min: presentation
Points to discuss
- Interest of the maker
- Is the interest of the maker mentioned or reflected in visuals?
- Navigation
- How are the projects ordered?
- In which ways can the work be navigated?
- Visualization
- How is the work presented? (with text, images, videos)
- Does this do justice to the project?
- Process (what is shown, how is it shown)
- How much work is shown? In general, and per project?
- Is the process shown or only the (end-)result?
- Description
- How is the work described?
- What language/style is used overall (example: formal, informal)?
- Practice of the maker
- What does this portfolio tell you about the practice of the maker?
- What would be a tip for the maker?
- What is a top in this website your fellow students would help / should know about for their own portfolio?